International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 21 Charter

International Brotherhood Of Magicians Ring 21 Charter

The best way to learn about our organization is to attending one of our meetings and become a Ring 21 member. ALL are invited regardless of experience. We welcome all fellow conjurers.
Join us if you are:
A professional magician, an amateur, a novice, a hobbyist, a collector, or you’d like to foster the art of magic in your community.
We want to personally extend an invitation to you to attend a meeting of the Hollywood Ring #21…the Caryl Fleming Ring!

Your Ring Membership is Appreciated! Don’t Wait, See.

Why Join?

  • Boost you self-confidence
  • Expand your creativity and problem solving skills
  • Improve your public speaking and presentation skills
  • Gain instant icebreakers to make new friends
  • Mystify and entertain others
  • Integrate magic into work and school activities
  • Use magic for therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes
  • Communicate socially relevant message
  • Experience the joy of learning
  • Sharpen your fine motor skills
  • Perform magic in underserved areas areas fostering a sense of belonging for all

In sum, you’ll find an instant group of new friends and learn tricks of the trade; this will do wonders for your self-assurance. Ring 21 members have over 300 years of collective magic experience waiting to share with you.

Contact us HERE for the latest information and meeting information!

Online Member Application

International Brotherhood Of Magicians Logo

The Great Leon In The Early Days

The Great Leon in his early days!

Famous Members:
Bev Bergeron
Ben Chavez
David Copperfield
Nani Darnell
Arnold Furstenberg
Caryl S. Fleming
Gerald Kosky
William W. Larsen, Sr.
Eric C. Lewis
George McAthy
Chester Morris
The Great Leon
Your Name Here
Harold E. Robbins
George Sands
Merv Taylor
Floyd G. Thayer
Mark Wilson
to name but a few!


Did you know…The word Abracadabra comes from the Hebrew expression ‘I create as I speak.’ A variation of these words exist throughout the Jewish scriptures. Apparently, whenever God is about to create something, he will announce the creation beforehand.